Experience. Knowledge. Integrity.
YOUR Crop Insurance Solution.

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The Ag Risk Solutions Team has combined experience of over 100 years in the Crop Insurance industry and the owner has been in the business since 1981.



We pride ourselves on being the most knowledgeable team in the industry. This knowledge extends beyond simply understanding the products we sell to also include a strong understanding of production agriculture as a whole. This enables us to better understand the needs of our clients.


Integrity is one of our core values. We practice integrity by being 100% transparent and honest with our clients and always striving to give advice that we feel is in the best interest of each individual client. We also view privacy as a very serious issue. Our clients must be able to trust us with private and personal information in order for us to have a mutually beneficial relationship. 


Ag Risk Solutions is an industry-leading Crop Insurance agency working with ag producers to help them make better, more informed risk management decisions.



The Ag Risk Solutions Team has combined experience of over 100 years in the Crop Insurance industry and the owner has been in the business since 1981.




We pride ourselves on being the most knowledgeable team in the industry. This knowledge extends beyond simply understanding the products we sell to also include a strong understanding of production agriculture as a whole. This enables us to better understand the needs of our clients.



Integrity is one of our core values. We practice integrity by being 100% transparent and honest with our clients and always striving to give advice that we feel is in the best interest of each individual client. We also view privacy as a very serious issue. Our clients must be able to trust us with private and personal information in order for us to have a mutually beneficial relationship. 


Ag Risk Solutions is an industry-leading Crop Insurance agency working with ag producers to help them make better, more informed risk management decisions.



Cotton Slipping Despite Outside Support
Cotton futures are trading with 4 to 6 point losses so far on Tuesday. The outside markets are mostly supportive, with crude oil up $1.85/barrel and the US dollar index just 16 points higher. Crop Progress data showed the US cotton crop with 94% setting bolls, 3% ahead of the...
Hogs Pushing Higher at Midday
Lean hog futures are posting 20 to 82 cent gains so far on Tuesday. The national average base hog price was reported at $75.18 on Tuesday morning, up 61 cents from the previous day. The CME Lean Hog Index was reported at $84.23 on October 18, up 27 cents from...
Cattle Rallying on Tuesday
Live cattle futures are trading with midday gains of 85 cents to $1.10. There were no new deliveries on Monday for October cattle. Last week there were Southern cash sales of $188 and Northern sales of $188 live and $296 in the beef. Early week action so far has been...
Soybeans Revert Higher on Tuesday
Soybeans are posting a Tuesday rally of 10 to 13 cents across the front months at midday. Preliminary open interest showed net new buying across most contracts, up 13,560 contracts cross all but the November contract, which was an exodus of 23,780 contracts. CmdtyView’s national front month Cash Bean price...
Corn Extending Gains into Tuesday’s Midday
Corn futures are showing 4 to 5 ½ cent gains across most contracts on Tuesday, with December leading the way. Preliminary open interest showed net new buying, up 20,956 contracts, with most of that in the March contract (13,944). The national average Cash Corn price from cmdtyView is up 5...
Wheat Sneaking Higher on Tuesday
The wheat complex is shrugging off the overnight weakness, with contracts posting midday gains. Chicago SRW futures are up 4 to 5 cents on the day. KC HRW contracts are 4 to 6 cents higher on the session. MPLS spring wheat is up 2 to 4 cents so far on...

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